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End of year reflection

End of year reflection

I’m so grateful to be spending New Years Eve in one of my favourite places. I’ve spent the afternoon reflecting on the year that was thanks to Connie Chapman’s guidance in the “Release & Rebirth” online program. The online program left me reflecting, that without making time to slow down at certain points of our…

Navigating virus anxiety

Navigating virus anxiety

Have you been experiencing negative dialogue regarding illness and viruses?I felt peace when I was reminded that we create in our life what we give attention too.Our reality creates alignment with the images in our mind.Are the current images in your mind projecting health or fear?Join me in focusing on health and wellbeing.Focus on being…



Boundaries are a necessary part of self-care, just like washing your hair or wearing shoes to protect your feet. They are healthy, normal, and necessary. Boundaries teach people what you will and won’t accept in relationships. Boundaries can feel like a lot of work, but are essential to build a healthy relationship with yourself and…

Authentic Selfcare

Authentic Selfcare

I used to think self-care was gym visits and trips to the hairdresser and beautician. I have now learnt that authentic self-care is deeper then caring for your external body. Authentic self-care is nurturing your soul. Self-care is truly listening to your spirit. Self-care is making choices to honour your highest good. I used to…